Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bad Start

Normally, I am upbeat and easy going . . . but I hate it when my day gets off to a bad start.

I am five minutes from home, on my way to work, when I realize my purse is AWOL. I slam on the brakes and, while turning around, launch into a scream adding a few expletives just for good measure.

I read somewhere screaming is good for you. I suppose it is but all it does is raise my blood pressure and I'm at the age where that can be dangerous.

Anyway, I arrive home and my purse is sitting on the kitchen table mocking me. I quickly realize my histrionics, and forgetting my purse, is due to my lack of focus.

Recent studies of the human brain have discovered multi-tasking overloads the brain and this is not good. We need studies to find this out? I find whenever I'm multi-tasking, aka overloading my brain with stuff I have/need to do, I immediately lose my focus on whatever it is I'm doing at any given moment.

Anyway, I digress. I make a cup of tea and while it steeps, I close my eyes and indulge in five deep yoga breaths calmly trying to rein in my emotions and get another grip on my day. I don't want this momentary lapse of sanity to set the tone for the day.

As Eckart Tolle tells us, I am trying to be in the moment. I am trying to shut off, ignore, deny the constant chatter that goes on in my mind. It's not healthy nor is it normal.

We all have a choice when it comes to how our day is going to unfold. We can either succumb to the ranting, raving and occasional expletive or . . . we can stop, take several deep breaths, refocus and regain control of our day.

Hoping your day gets off to a good start!



Sherry said...

There are days like this -- and our lack of focus or our lack of mindfulness is usually at the root of it. Stopping, breathing, refocusing...all work to putting things back into balance.

May the rest of your day progress in peace!

christina said...

oh yes, eckhart brings me back to a beautiful place.
enjoy the rest of your day, friend.