Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pink Thoughts on Thursday

Ever since joining Christina at Soul Aperture in her "Pink Thoughts on Thursdays in October," I've been trying to collect my thoughts about breast cancer.

Unless you've been down this road you cannot comprehend the fear and the terror of what this entails. It not only rearranges your whole life but it also rearranges your priorities.

Later in life it acts as a gauge, usually when you're  in the midst of some crisis. You stop and ask yourself, "Is what I'm going through right now, worse than what I've already been through?" Usually, the answer is, "no, it isn't." So you pick up whatever pieces are lying about and you move on.

No woman I know willingly wants to be a member of this club. But the women I do know, who have traveled down this scary road, have turned a potentially life-threatening situation into something to celebrate . . . the fact they are still here and fighting for a cure, on a daily basis, long after the month of October has passed.



christina said...

Such true and thoughtful words. I adore this.

kath said...

This is very moving, thank you.
I came over from Christina's today.