Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If I Was . . .

I'm joining a little late, fellow blogger Relyn at come sit by my fire in her Wednesday Lists.

If I Was . . .
a color, sage green
a verb, laugh
a day, Sunday
a TV show, NCIS: Los Angeles
a taste, sweet & sour
an emotion, happy
a month, October
a flower, sweet pea
a holiday, an old-fashioned Christmas
a movie, It's Complicated
an article of clothing, a green cashmere and silk scarf
a book, A Devil in the White City
a car, Jeep Grand Cherokee
a piece of furniture, a well-worn but cared for old desk
a scent, hybrid tea roses and the sea
an instrument, violin
a store, Baldwin's Book Barn
a shoe, stilettos
a fruit, cherries
a song, Enchanted by Chris Botti and Lucia Micarelli
a tree, an old purple beech
a planet, Neptune
a tool, a pen



Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, I loved reading your answers. Wasn't this a fun list to do? I'm also excited because I have a new movie and music to check out. Happy weekend.

Jaime said...

We both chose October on our lists...isn't it an amazing time of year? Although spring is highly anticipated now that the blossoms are coming out.
I have never seen a beech tree, let alone a purple the bark a tint of purple? The leaves? I will have to google one. :)