Saturday, August 25, 2012

Thought for the Day

I only had one chance and less than a second to take the above from a car window while waiting at a red light at one of my favorite places, Long Beach Island. Luckily, my best friend was driving. I loved the colors of the bikes. There are numerous places to rent bikes along NJ-35 S to Long Beach Island State Park. It's a great way to get around especially on the weekends. Unfortunately, the photo has nothing to do with my thought for the day.
The nature of things is resistance to change, while the nature of process is resistance to stasis, yet things and process are one, and the line from inorganic to organic and back again is uninterrupted and unbroken.
The quote is from Blue Highways: A Journey Into America by William Least Heat Moon. A really great book, even if a slow read, about America 30 years ago.


Lisa Johnson said...

Love this post Chris! I've been taking a lot of pictures of bikes too. There's just something about them. That's a pretty deep quote. I'll have to ponder it for a bit...

Tracey said...

The quote is very deep - I had to read it a couple of times. I like the colors of the bikes, too. I took some pictures of motorcycles lined up on the sun. The chrome & glitzy glam captured me. PS: nice shot to be @ a red light.