Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Lights

There is something special about Christmas lights!

Many years ago, more than I care to count, when our daughter was little, we’d bundle her up, put her in the car and drive around to different neighborhoods every year to check out the Christmas lights. She loved it. Or at least I hope she did. And even though she is grown, married and on her own I still ride around and look at Christmas lights.

I don’t know why, but to me Christmas lights are part of the holiday spirit. There’s simple magic in all those lights! Maybe it’s because they transform drab, brown, and often leafless spaces into something beautiful. It’s like arboreal bling. And even though it’s been more than a few years since I spent the time to put up outside Christmas lights, I truly appreciate those who still do. There are a few places though that outdo themselves every year.

One of those is Peddlers Village located in Lahaska, PA.

Peddlers’ Village is about a 10 minute ride from our house and during this time of year we stop by on a week night as crowds are minimal and walking around the shops is not as hectic. You can even buy a cup of cup of hot apple cider, heated over an open flame, from Solebury Orchards who, by the way, make the best apple cider I’ve ever tasted!

The Village pulls out all the stops and does a great job decorating for Christmas. There’s even an annual gingerbread house contest and the winners are showcased in a beautiful white Victorian style gazebo during the holiday. The line outside the gazebo Saturday night, when we visited, was so long we decided to pass. We’ll probably check it out during the week when, as I mentioned earlier, crowds are more manageable.

One of my goals for 2011 is better night shots, which means I need to carry my tripod!! But I’m still fighting a sinus infection and about all I could handle was my point and shoot. In any event, I hope you enjoyed the few pictures I was able to take.

One last note on Christmas lights. The ultimate place to see Christmas lights is Longwood Gardens, one of my favorite places any time of the year.



Birdie said...

Chris, it's lovely!!! love and hugs!

christina said...

they really are beautiful. merry christmas, my friend.