Sunday, February 24, 2013

RD Recommends

In the March issue of Reader's Digest, in their RD Recommends*, I found the following, hopefully, interesting sites.

Art Too Weird to be Ignored ~ The Museum of Bad Art (MOBA), near Boston, proudly displays sometimes unintentionally funny work that's more Moaning Lisa than Mona Lisa.

Need a Boost ~ Motivational shock blogger Alden Tan curated photos of great human spirit. Most moving? The smiling young boy posing near his prosthetic legs. I dropped by for a visit and it is a touching, if not beautiful photograph. The look on this boy's face is priceless.

Good Night, Earth ~ Lull yourself: The magazine Wired collected incredible NASA satellite images of our planet at night, and they're simply enchanging. Also checked this out. Beautiful photos.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Checking out the Museum of Bad Art right now! Love the Juggling Dog in Hula Skirt! This is going to be fun. Thanks, Chris!
